how pathetic am i
hurts me alot cuz i noe hw sad it is
but, to turn down my fwens reli kills me
i duno wat d hell happened to me
i reli hate myself ri8 now
at ni8,i listened to d music n cried
when d lights were out
n my sis was sleeping
i duno whether to miz d old pathetic me o not
nw, im better with my confidence
bt, things weren't juz going pretty well
i gained sumthing
n i lost sumthing even more precious
well, i seldom mad at sum1
cz i oways try to understand them no matter wat
everything we do, oways gt a reason for dat
mayb im mad, but jz for a while
but when ppl mad at me, it feels like 4ever
ppl mad at me, im d 1 begging 4 forgiveness
i mad at ppl, im d 1 who says sorry
until ppl tired of listening it sumtimes
is it mayb cuz i oways think of others
more than myself?
o is it ppl dun understnd when i oso need
o is it ppl dun understnd when i oso need
to hv fun but by duin other stuff?
i can b selfish too
i admit dat
but i can admit dat im nt as ego as others
well, i try not to
cuz i hate to have cold relationships
even with strangers
mayb i juz want to c a happy world
im juz glad if im able to help ppl
we r ol God's creations
so, lets juz respect others
n treat them well
even if they treat u badly
well, i dun care much about myself
i jz hope others will be happy...
dt class="comment-poster" id="c9031347299895949443">
kenlaiya said...
- July 7, 2009 at 11:32 PM
dt class="comment-poster" id="c8927866707136397048">
kenlaiya said...
- July 7, 2009 at 11:46 PM
dt class="comment-poster" id="c6783038445469339784">
niCole said...
- July 8, 2009 at 5:44 PM
dt class="comment-poster" id="c3627794272354931963">
kenlaiya said...
- July 8, 2009 at 10:04 PM
dt class="comment-poster" id="c2563742618777501392">
niCole said...
- July 9, 2009 at 7:53 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
edit: deleted my last comment coz of mistakes.. hehe...
yah, i got some free time, so i go read my friends' blogs... and yours too... hehe...
anyway, were u pathetic in the 1st place? i dun think so, ur a great person bah, since when ur pathetic ni? hehe...
u know, kdg2 i also like dat, like i think too much for other ppl, but at the end of the day, u can't please everyone... i know u know the important thing is that u treat ur good friends around u well, and ur blessed coz u got many good frens around u... hehe...
wow i never knw u felt dis way... hehe... its a good way to let out ur feelings in blogs... so, in anything u do, all d best n take care ya... n_n and if u need any advice or help, just look for me... ehehe... i'd be happy 2 help... lol...
thnx.. well, i dun wana post diz blog at 1st. but hey, it kills me. i need to let it out abit. cnnt let all trapped inside me. it will juz hurt me.
juz appreciate wat dey ol hv done for me.
its gud of them.
i juz duno how to appreciate them
hehe well, then start 2 reli appreciate ur real friends around u yea... im sure u know dat... hehe...
i agree, sometimes its a good way 2 let out ur feelings, stress, etc in blogs and notes, and sometimes i do it thru writing songs... ehehe... if not, nanti belon meletup, susah o... haha! kan? kan? lol...
yep2, agree
ntah lar
im juz feeling so sad lately
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